- 2024 Alt Az Workshop YouTube recording links (0 replies)
- 2024 Portland XVII Alt Az Workshop revised agenda and YouTube live stream links (0 replies)
- Portland XVII Alt Az Workshop Zoom meeting links (0 replies)
- 2024 Alt Az Workshop announcement and agenda - September 13, 14 and 15 (0 replies)
- Southern Hemisphere Observing Trips (5 replies)
- Tenerife/Canarias trip ( no new moon ) (0 replies)
- 20232 Alt-Az Workshop announcement and agenda (4 replies)
- Nebraska Star Party 2023 (0 replies)
- Annular solar eclipse October 14, 2023 (1 replies)
- Portland Alt-Az Workshop 2022 YouTube videos are available (0 replies)
- Portland XV Alt-Az Workshop - October 8 and 9 2022 (2 replies)
- Portland XIV Alt-Az Workshop 2021 (0 replies)
- Nebraska Star Party (4 replies)
- 2021 Oregon Star Party has been cancelled because of extreme fire danger (0 replies)
- Public Webinar - March 18, 2021: Monsters in the Cosmos (0 replies)
- Sigma Orionis cluster (0 replies)
- Forest fire smoke (4 replies)
- Virtual Star Party tonight with Phil Harrington (0 replies)
- Highway to the Stars (0 replies)
- #stargazing (0 replies)
- August new moon trip, Abell PNs and Hicksons, with sketches (0 replies)
- Jimi Lowrey's Talk from TSP 2019 (0 replies)
- 2019 GSSP (3 replies)
- 2018 TSP (5 replies)
- CalStar in two days! (0 replies)
- Okie-Tex 2017 (0 replies)
- TSE 2017 -- what are you doing? (5 replies)
- TSP 2017 (0 replies)
- 2017 Calhoun Stargaze - Registration Now Open (1 replies)
- Anyone attending Oregon Star Party 2017? (2 replies)
- OzSky Star Party (Coonabarabran) in October 2017 (0 replies)
- 2017 Star Parties (1 replies)
- Amazing object viewed at Northern Nights (Lights) Star Fest in Minnesota (3 replies)
- Help (European) children choose a space science career (2 replies)
- York County Star Party in PA (1 replies)
- Golden State Star Party 2016 (9 replies)
- GSSP duration of darkness (7 replies)
- Anyone else at Okie-Tex? (4 replies)
- Astrotrip - a blog (1 replies)
- Cycling in Oregon and staying at OSP (2017) (3 replies)
- Cross Country Astronomization Binge (0 replies)
- El CabaƱero versus Murphy: 1 - 1 (2 replies)
- June 2015 - Italian guy in Cali (5 replies)
- NEAF 2015 (1 replies)
- Oz skies tv (0 replies)
- Photographs from Stellafane and the Black Forest Star Party (0 replies)
- Nebraska Star Party 2014 (1 replies)
- Okie-Tex 2014 (2 replies)
- Cherry Springs 2014 (3 replies)
- OzSky Star Safari for northerners (5 replies)
- March New Moon at Cherry Springs (0 replies)
- Who's going to TSP 2014? (6 replies)
- January New Moon at Cherry Springs - 2014! (7 replies)
- Texas Star Party question (0 replies)
- Starlit wedding! (4 replies)
- EdelweiĆspitze - 2 Nights in the Austrian Alps (5 replies)
- Fall Observing Trip (5 replies)
- South Pacific Star Party. (5 replies)
- Northeast Astronomy Forum 2013 (1 replies)
- Texas Star Party 2013 (21 replies)
- 5 weeks in Texas (2 replies)
- Okie-tex 2012 (0 replies)
- Heart of America Star Party 2012 (0 replies)
- The 2012 Black Forest Star Party (1 replies)
- The 2012 Stellafane Convention (0 replies)
- The CAS StarFest 2012 (0 replies)
- Iowa Star Party (0 replies)
- 23rd Annual Twin Lakes Star Party (0 replies)
- Barcroft advice (4 replies)
- New Moon Over Calhoun (NEWMOC) Star Party (2 replies)
- Cherry springs spring star party 2012 (1 replies)
- West Texas around the new moon? (9 replies)
- 2012 Bootleg Star Party (6 replies)
- Northern Illinois Astronomers..Lets get together @ (2 replies)
- Likely Place, California (1 replies)
- The 20th Annual South Pacific Star Party: 19 - 22 April, 2012 - Australia (0 replies)
- Eighth Annual Deepest South Texas Star Safari - Australia (0 replies)
- Nebraska Star Party - Site Pics (1 replies)
- The 2012 Texas Star Party (22 replies)
- Golden State Star Party (2 replies)